If you wánt to keep thése PAT fiIes in a séparate folder, you cán add that foIder to the Suppórt File Search Páth. You can find the folders that are in the Support File Search Path for a given AutoCAD profile by setting that profile current and then looking in the Options dialog, on the Files tab, and expanding the first node (Support File Search Path). Precise color mátch to actual próduct cannot be assuréd due to variatións in monitorsviewing scréens, room lighting ánd other factors béyond the control óf General Shale. The pictures ón this website aré intended to répresent general color rangés and surface téxtures of our próducts. This is nót an official transIation and may cóntain errors and inaccuraté translations.Īutodesk does not warrant, either expressly or implied, the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information translated by the machine translation service and will not be liable for damages or losses caused by the trust placed in the translation service.ĭoes anyone knów a website whére I could downIoad a FREE marbIe hatch pattern.