Sensitivity analysis allows you to determine the effect of individual variables on the safety factor of the slope. The probability of failure/reliability index is calculated, and provides an objective measure of the risk of failure associated with a slope design.
Slide 6.0 has extensive probabilistic analysis capabilities - you may assign statistical distributions to almost any input parameters, including material properties, support properties, loads, and water table location. Seepage analysis is fully integrated with the slope stability analysis or can be used as a standalone module. Slide 6.0 is the only slope stability software with built-in finite element groundwater seepage analysis for steady state or transient conditions.įlows, pressures and gradients are calculated based on user defined hydraulic boundary conditions. Slide 6.0 is the most comprehensive slope stability analysis software available, complete with finite element groundwater seepage analysis, rapid drawdown, sensitivity and probabilistic analysis and support design. Find the geotechnical tool that suits your needs.
Explore the full suite of Rocscience software, designed for geotechs by geotechs.